Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cloudy mind - Thx guys

He is going back today. I keep on having the urge to give him a call. My heart telling me, if I start to call him, all the effort will go down the drain. We promised to be friends, to keep in touch, yet, for me, it is impossible without hiding my real feeling. Even if we continue to contacted each other, it will just provide me a fake hope. 

Thanks everyone for your concern.

What is this feeling? It is the side effect? I had been woke up very early lately, around 3. Sitting in front of my laptop doing nothing, keep on refreshing the blogs to check out on the updates of other blogs. It'd been the only thing I'm interested to do now. Clicking on the news update in Facebook, to check on friend's status update. 

For the past 72 hours, I don't have the appetite to eat. Drinking only waters to avoid dehydration. I try to eat, but in the end, everything will be vomited out. Dunno why lately everything tasted bad. Today I will try the new porridge shop and have a taste on their porridge.  

Unlike myself, I'd been giving good advice to my friend when they broke up, yet easier say than done, i seem not to be able to swallow my own medicine. Being gay among the straight people is hard. I have no one to turn to say out my feeling inside me. I can't tell them I just broke up with another guy, I can't tell my family members that I just broke up with another guy. But, I am doing fine, I guess. Thanks to this blog, bit by bit I can say it out. 

Reading your guys' blog had been interesting and fun. Don't worry guys. I love you all. I will be fine. Positive thinking, positive thinking. I won't go take drugs or alcohol (I never had one).   

I remember Bravebear once said something in my comment, it will be stated below in my quotes of the day.   


Quote of the day:

原因只有一个: 时间不够长,新欢不够好。"
"In order to forget a relationship, there is only one method : times and new love. If the time and new love can't let you forget the relationship, there is only 1 reason, the time is not long enough, the new love is not good enough"
"I think the best medicine in terms of break ups is to have rational thinking. To snap out of the misery and know that when there is an end there is also a new beginning. In other words, a positive mind." 


  1. i pretty much had the same feeling as you did... for the past 6 MONTHS !!


    in this context, you turn to your blog! hahaha.. *hug tight tight*

  3. @Lionfever: *Hug. Dun worry, Kampar is a good place :)

    @tuls: thx for the song.

  4. Come here and we'll buy you a drink then :)

  5. I immediately thought of this.
    I think all of us at some point in break up, can and should relate to this. Hope this song helps you through your rough patches and gets you back to the good times.

  6. Oh, it also helps that Bryan Greenberg is uber hot, in the vid.

  7. @savante: Thx man.

    @Deicidal: It is a very nice song. I really love it. But I would prefer Frank Sinatra's version. Maybe Because I prefer the older style. Really thanks man, I really appreciate it.

  8. @Deicidal: "So with my best, my very best, I set you free" This line really touched my heart. This is because this is what exactly happened to me. Damn, why is my feeling so easily shaken.

    oh ya, Bryan Greenberg is kinda hot too. XD

  9. I immediately thought of the song when I read your post...
    You're very welcome. I hope you find the music as healing as I do. Frank Sinatra's version is very nice, but I chose Rachael cuz she gives off this haunting isolated voice that fit the mood sooo well for me... :)
