Sunday, September 26, 2010

So which one?

To be honest and be your real self
     or keep on denying about who you really are?

To be a coward by ending your life to stop the torment in your heart
    or brave enough to live another tormenting day?

To risk jeopardizing your friendship by confessing your love to him
    or keep on having your crush on him which will lead to nowhere?

To be the first one to say "I love you"
     or wait if he will say it to you?

To chase your dream thousand of mile away from your loved one
    or to stay with your loved one even though he say it's okay? 

To endure a long distance relationship
     or to end a potential long-term relationship?

To have sex with people you barely knows
     or to make love with people you loved?

To tell your loved one the truth and hurt them
     or living a lie and cry yourself to sleep?

To come out from closet and risk being isolated by family
     or relieved of all the secret you are keeping for all this years?

To hurt your mum feeling about your darkest secret
     or taking a chance that she will accept you?

To continue screwed long-term relationship
    or to accept third party's love who promise you happiness?

To continue love one another like there is no tomorrow
     or stop it as religion forbids?

To read this and admit it's about you
    or to pretend that you don't care but you really do?


  1. one answer for all questions: follow your heart =)

    *sound so disney channel* =="

  2. jason, he got a weak heart. he needs some1 with a strong heart. :P

    dont think so much on how to live as a gay. live to think on how to live as a human. ud be better. dont set urself boundaries n conditions.

    alo, mana bf? he suppose to be there for u. hehe... dont keep to urself.

  3. @Jason: Welcome to my blog. For most of my questions I did followed my hearts and it turns out great and land me my PP ^^
    The thg is, these questions are very common among people like us especially the young boys.

    @Koala: Thx. bf now 1500 miles away from my place. So far we are being discreet to most ppl. Some thought we are very close as we were roomies and ppl regard it as gor gor - didi stuff. We are fine with our relationship and only dare to do "that" depends on the level of security where we were (our room in our dormitory, my car, cinema, my lab, hotel (genting), my home when my parents are away etc etc)

  4. This post is in fact more like a track of my experience and what I had chose that time. However not all questions happened to me.

    I shared most of my problem with him and gone thru a lot of rains and rainbows.
