Monday, November 29, 2010

Are you hiding something?

This is a phrase from the World AIDS Day brochure - it contains message from Pink Triangle Malaysia.

Oh ya, yesterday went to the event, with PP. Was searching for Pikey and Brave Bear, but, Sg Wang is a very crowded place, so in the end, didn't found them. Spent very little time there - around 30 minutes I guess. PP quite don't like the place - crowded and small. Before went to Sg. Wang, we had some window shopping at Berjaya Times Square.

Now to my main post. I always heard people said "you are gay? Then you are going to have AIDS". So my question now, is AIDS, gay disease? Well, answer is No. Just because you are gay, you are not going to have AIDS if you know what to do. Everyone is at risk, even higher if they are happened to be:

i) Drug user - due to sharing used noodle with other individual - which will easily spread the virus into the blood stream
ii) Sex workers (having unprotected sex with different customers from unknown background, disease history and lifestyle.
iii) Man who have sex with man (not necessarily gay) - due to sexually active lifestyle. Male use condom when fucking a female to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Some have this misconception on condom only as a tool of preventing pregnancy thus don't use it when have sex with other male.

However, I noticed 1 thing, the brochure from the World AIDS day seems to trying pass a message for the gay people on a more careful lifestyle which is good. And is quite bold, knowing our country's authority's tolerance toward the man-to-man sexual behavior.

Ribbons from the World AIDS Day.

The message is very clear. "Always use condom during sex" and "No condom, no fuck". They also prepare free anonymous HIV screening.

For more detail:
Call 03- 4044 4611 Mon-Fri 10 am- 6 pm (Free anonymous HIV screening)
Call 03 - 4044 5455/5466 (telephone counselling on HIV/AIDS and sexuality issue)

If you are sexually active individual, you might be hiding something, knowingly or unknowingly. HIV screening can help to stop the spreading of AIDS or other STD.

p.s : was not involve with the voluntary work.


  1. tuls used to sex without domdom.. now tuls bertaubat edi :)

  2. Nice post~! We were at the main concourse yesterday, around the Gundam expo and the stage area.. :)

  3. Yes, education is condom, no sex...
